José Angel Mori Soto a.k.a. Shevaco
Saturday, 26 January 2008
At approximately 3pm Wednesday afternoon, as José Angel Mori Soto a.k.a. Shevaco was entering a prison complex in downtown Lima to testify in a case involving drug kingpin Fernando Zevallos, he was shot in the neck two times by an unidentified man.
The assassin fled the scene after immediately jumping onto a motorcycle being driven by another man, similar to the murder of 34-year-old Jaime Enrique Caballero at a KFC restaurant in San Borja in September.
Drug traffickers are without a doubt responding and taking more of an offensive role, using hitmen, as is done in countries like Colombia and Mexico, affirmed Rospigliosi.
Iván Quispe, the prosecutor investigating the case against Fernando Zevallos and Jorge Chávez Montoya a.k.a. Polaco has stated that he is considering requesting protection from Peru's Ministry of the Interior.
All the prosecutors involved in the case need to be protected, said Justice Minster, Rosario Fernández.Drug traffickers have become more aggressive and begun to respond to the government's war on drugs in Peru, said analysts Fernando Rospigliosi and Ricardo Soberón, who believe the murder of a sicario (hitman) involved in the Fernando Zevallos case is "worrying".
Over 30 investigations have been carried out by the US Drug Enforcement Administration seeking to convict Fernando Zevallos.
In 2004, under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, he was placed on the US list of drug kingpins, labeling him one of the top drug-traffickers in the world
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