True Detective

Scott Furnish admitted possessing 21.5 grams of cocaine with intent to supply.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Police stopped Scott Furnish's car in Fakenham they found cocaine with a street value of between £967 and £1,290 inside.The discovery was described at Norwich Crown Court on Friday when Cornish (27), of Poppyfields, Fakenham, admitted possessing 21.5 grams of cocaine with intent to supply.Judge Paul Downes warned him that he came very close to going to prison. He adjourned sentence until April 11 for reports to see if the defendant is suitable for a drugs rehabilitation programme. Cornish was given conditional bail in the meantime. Lori Tucker, prosecuting, said that a police office who decided to stop Cornish's car found a rolled-up note, possibly for snorting cocaine, and also some packets of the drugs.Cornish said he was a heavy user and had paid £450 for the drugs. When he was interviewed he said he only supplied associates to fund his own habit. Henry Hughes, defending, said his client had never been in trouble before and was working in the building trade and is a loving father. He said that Cornish had accumulated large debts including £6,000 of debt to his bank. He told the court that Cornish bought drugs and shared them with three friends. He had domestic problems and had started taking drugs but had since had counselling and there was minimum risk of him re-offending.
Judge Downes told Cornish: "You should understand people who deal in drugs, whether commercially or not, usually go to prison for a very long time. You were on a knife-edge today of being sent to prison but that may be counter-productive."


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